Wordpress-extra jail log file

Which is the correct log file for this jail on ubuntu?
/var/log/auth.log or /var/log/syslog

That’s a really good question!

Both events in extra use the LOG_USER facility, but it seems that the default rsyslogd config doesn’t have a separate file for that facility.

So, the short answer is /var/log/syslog, but what you should do is enable /var/log/user.log and use that instead.

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Thanks for your suggestion. I have enabled /var/log/user.log file.

The only issue remains is double logging of every single password reset request event in /var/log/user.log file. The same thing was happening with ‘/var/log/syslog’. We have bandaid it for now by increasing the maxretry parameter. How do i fixt it permanently?

Jul 10 11:13:16 vultr wordpress(siteurl)[2453414]: Password reset requested for anuja.bagel from
Jul 10 11:13:16 vultr wordpress(siteurl)[2453414]: Password reset requested for anuja.bagel from