Hi all,
I’m currently testing wp-fail2ban before switching to the bronze version. I found out, that more and more brute force scripts are using empty usernames (on wp-login as well as on xmlrpc).
I use iThemesSecurityPro for general settings, but blocking should really be done on Fail2Ban level.
Can you confirm that empty usernames are not triggering any logging, or is it something which can be configured/changed?
Adding a ‘’ to the WP_FAIL2BAN_BLOCKED_USERS array did not work.
id => 11206
module => lockout
type => action
code => username-lockout::
timestamp => 2019-08-28 09:20:20
init_timestamp => 2019-08-28 09:20:19
remote_ip => 142.44.162.xxx
user_id => [empty string]
url => https://www.example.com/wp-login.php
memory_current => 13542688
memory_peak => 13568384
data => Array
module => brute_force
host => [boolean] false
user_id => [boolean] false
username => [empty string]
module_details => Array
type => brute_force
reason => too many bad login attempts
host => [integer] 5
user => [integer] 10
period => [integer] 5
whitelisted => [boolean] false
blacklisted => [boolean] false
lockout_type => brute_force
lockout_start => 2019-08-28 11:20:19
lockout_start_gmt => 2019-08-28 09:20:19
lockout_expire => 2019-08-28 11:35:19
lockout_expire_gmt => 2019-08-28 09:35:19
lockout_username => [empty string]